WCIF announces a call for external evaluators for INSPIRE project

Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF) announces a call for external evaluators to participate in the evaluation and ranking activities of project proposals submitted by civil society organizations within the framework of INSPIRE Fund, part of the “INSPIRE: Improving National Support for Prevention, Intervention, Response, and Empowerment of Victims of Violence against Children” project, which is implemented in partnership with the National Network for Children and is co-funded by the European Union.

The project’s eponymous fund will provide €1,620,000 in targeted grant funding to local and national civil society organisations working to reduce violence against children and empower victims of violence.

To apply for evaluating project proposals, please send and complete the required package of documents to konkurs@frgi.bg by 30.06.2024. The complete package of documents for the selection of external evaluators as well as detailed application guidelines are published below (available only in Bulgarian).