Open Call for Project Proposals

Targeted grant funding of civil society projects under the INSPIRE Fund

The Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF) announces a call for proposals for projects of civil society organisations for targeted grant funding.

The competition is organized within the INSPIRE: Improving National Support for Prevention, Intervention and Response to Violence against Children and EmpoweringVictims project. The INSPIRE project has established the INSPIRE Fund to finance project proposals from civil society organisations working to promote children’s rights and combat violence against children.

The INSPIRE Fund call for proposals will provide targeted grant funding for projects of civil society organisations for a total indicative amount of EUR 1 620 000, spread over two funds:

  • Lot 1 for projects at national level with a funding amount of up to EUR 60 000 and a total budget of EUR 720 000.
  • Lot 2 for projects at local level with funding up to EUR 30 000 and a total budget of EUR 900 000.

Approved projects will receive 100% earmarked grant funding. No co-financing is required from applicants. The maximum amount of financial support for Lot 1 projects is EUR 60 000 and for Lot 2 projects EUR 30 000.

In order to make the funding more accessible, a civil society organisation may submit only one proposal in the call for proposals, for one Lot only. It is expected that the call will support more than 40 projects within the total indicative budget of the Fund.

The aim of the INSPIRE Fund is to empower civil society organisations working to prevent and combat violence against children in Bulgaria, to strengthen an integrated child protection system and to provide support to victims.

Eligible applicants for both lots are all organisations, including their branches, registered under the Non-Profit Legal Entities Act, as well as community centres (chitalishta) registered under the Community Centres (chitalishta) Act.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 17:00 on 1 October 2024.

The application process is entirely electronic via the WCIF Applications Platform. Detailed information about the call and all required documents, as well as the conditions for INSPIRE grant funding can be found below on this page.

Online information meetings about the open call will be held between 15 July and 15 September 2024.

The first online meetings on the call for proposals and  on how to work with the application form will be on 23.07.2024 at 16:00 and on 24.07.2024 at 16:00. Register for the meetings here. Only registered participants will receive a link to join the online meetings.


Application Guidelines

Project Proposal Application Form

Detailed Budget Form