Reporting an irregularity or filing a complaint

Submission and procedure for dealing with an irregularity report

You can submit an irregularity report to the following email address: with the heading “Alert” and the following content structure:

  • A description of the irregularity (including whether it is suspected or actual and how it was carried out);
  • The period to which the irregularity relates or the time at which it occurred;
  • How the sender became aware of the irregularity, including the source of information leading to the suspicion of the alleged irregularity;
  • The natural or legal persons involved in the irregularity identified;
  • Other information.

According to Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006 of 11.07.2006, an ‘irregularity’ should be understood as ‘any infringement of a provision of Community law resulting from an act or omission by an economic operator which has, or would have, the effect of prejudicing the general budget of the EU by an unjustified charge to the general budget’.

An irregularity in the framework of the INSPIRE project is any breach of the Grant Agreement for a project, a provision of European and/or national law which has or would have the effect of hindering the implementation of the INSPIRE project, for example by taking into account an unjustified or disproportionate amount of the earmarked funding. All forms of corruption are also an irregularity.

The submitted report will be examined by WCIF and the Project Ombudsman. WCIF will respond by email to the organisation/person concerned within one month of receipt of the report. In case more time is needed to investigate and adjudicate the case, the COI will inform the relevant whistleblower of the need for more time to adjudicate and give its reasons for doing so. The one-month time limit for a decision may be extended by a maximum of one additional month.

Submission and procedure for the examination of a complaint

WCIF and the Project Ombudsman shall consider and rule on complaints received about the INSPIRE project. They may be approached by project applicants and beneficiaries or third parties in relation to the resolution of cases relevant to the implementation of the project.

Complaints should be submitted electronically to: with the title ‘Complaint’.

The deadlines and procedures for handling the complaint are the same as those set out above for irregularity reports.