
A world without child abuse, with care and support

The aim of the INSPIRE project is to enable civil society organizations (CSOs) working on violence against children in Bulgaria to strengthen the integrated child protection system, to prevent and intervene in violence against children, and to provide support to victims. The project includes INSPIRE fund to provide targeted grant funding to CSOs, as well as a training programme to enhance the capacity of the organisations. The project is implemented by the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation (WCIF) and the National Network for Children (NNC).

Latest news
Latest information about the project, call for proposals, trainings

Sofia hosts the first information session for the INSPIRE fund

WCIF announces a call for external evaluators for INSPIRE project

More than 1.6 million euros will be invested in the civil sector to combat violence against children in Bulgaria


In the spotlight

The first information session for the INSPIRE Fund will take place on June 7, 2024 in Sofia, at Resonator (13, 20 April Str.). Registration for the meeting is available at this link. The language of the information sessions will be Bulgarian.

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